Congratulations to Joan Herman, Alison Bailey and Felipe Martinez for their editing work on the Special Issue of Educational Assessment that addresses fairness in assessment. You can find all articles of the special issue here.
Herman, J. L., Bailey, A. L., & Martinez, J. F. (2023). Introduction to the Special Issue: Fairness in Educational Assessment and the Next Edition of the Standards. Educational Assessment, 28(2), 65–67.
Randall, J. (2023a). It Ain’t Near ‘Bout Fair: Re-Envisioning the Bias and Sensitivity Review Process from a Justice-Oriented Antiracist Perspective. Educational Assessment, 28(2), 68–82.
Bennett, R. E. (2023b). Toward a Theory of Socioculturally Responsive Assessment. Educational Assessment, 28(2), 83–104.
Randall, J. (2023b). Response to Solano-Flores: How Serious are We About Fairness in Testing and How Far are We Willing to Go? Educational Assessment, 28(2), 118–121.
Bennett, R. E. (2023a). Let’s Agree to (Mostly) Agree: A Response to Solano-Flores. Educational Assessment, 28(2), 122–127.
Solano-Flores, G. (2023). How Serious are We About Fairness in Testing and How Far are We Willing to Go? A Response to Randall and Bennett with Reflections About the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. Educational Assessment, 28(2), 105–117.
Herman, J. L., Martínez, J. F., & Bailey, A. L. (2023). Fairness in Educational Assessment and the Next Edition of the Standards: Concluding Commentary. Educational Assessment, 28(2), 128–136.